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How to Manage Puppy Biting
Uncover the reasons behind puppy biting and explore four practical strategies to curb puppy biting.
Using Food in Dog Training Without Packing on the Pounds
Discover how to incorporate treats into your dog's training without overfeeding. Learn why we use Spot & Tango UnKibble, the only fresh meal you can hand feed in training that is mess-free!
A List of Resources for Training Your Dog
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trainer, there are many options available to help you bond, train behavior, socialize, and keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated. In this blog post, we will be sharing the benefits of dog training, as well as the top four resources for training your dog: in-person dog training classes, on-demand courses, books, and Ellie Golden Life.
Socializing Your Puppy: A Golden Opportunity for Lifelong Success
Socializing your puppy between 3-16 weeks is a GOLDEN opportunity.
This blog will give you an inside scoop on our socialization process with Emma, a golden retriever puppy.
Puppy Training Week 5: Mastering Leave It, Come, Wait, Stay and More
Congratulations on making it to week 5 of puppy training! You've established a solid foundation and are on your way to training a well-behaved pup. Although dog training is a lifelong journey, this is the last blog of our Puppy Training series. Stay tuned for new content soon!
The Benefits and Techniques of Crate Training for Dogs
Crate training is one of the quickest and least stressful ways to mold desirable behaviors in dogs, such as potty training, and leads to more freedom in the long run.
Puppy Training Week 4: Adding Complexity and New Skills
In week 4 of puppy training, we focused on increasing the complexity of past skills and adding a few new skills to the mix.
Puppy Training Week 3: Mastering Sit, Down, and Attention in Distracting Environments
Is your puppy getting into mischief? Learn about the Uh Uh cue and other important tasks we focused on in week 3.
Puppy Training Week 2: Tips and Techniques for Basic Training and Socialization
Have you started wondering if you brought home a baby shark instead of a puppy yet? Training a puppy can exhausting, but trust me, it’s worth it.
In this blog, I’ll share five puppy skills, my socialization plan, and a new trick.
Puppy Training Week 1: Transform Your Puppy into a Well-Trained Companion
When can you start training a puppy? Now!!
Here is the positive reinforcement training I worked on with my 8-week-old golden retriever, Emma, during her first week home.