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A Guide to Switching Your Dog’s Food
This blog provides practical tips for gradually switching food, avoiding stomach upset, and recognizing signs of food intolerance. Secure 60% off your first order of Spot & Tango UnKibble with promo code GOLDEN.
How to Manage Puppy Biting
Uncover the reasons behind puppy biting and explore four practical strategies to curb puppy biting.
Using Food in Dog Training Without Packing on the Pounds
Discover how to incorporate treats into your dog's training without overfeeding. Learn why we use Spot & Tango UnKibble, the only fresh meal you can hand feed in training that is mess-free!
Caring for Your Dog in Heat: Frequently Asked Questions
This blog post is a guide for dog owners on how to properly care for their furry friend during their heat cycle. It covers the stages of the cycle, signs of heat, and frequently asked questions such as what it means for a dog to be in heat, when a dog goes into heat, and how often it happens. It also includes helpful tips and insights from a real-life dog owner's experiences to equip readers with the knowledge to navigate their dog's heat cycle with confidence.
Traveling with a Puppy: Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Trip
Learn how to plan and pack for a successful vacation with your puppy. Get tips on finding dog-friendly lodging, packing essentials, and managing your puppy during travel.
Plus, download a free Puppy Packing List for all the must-have items for traveling with your furry friend.
Understanding Your Puppy's Teeth: A Guide to Teething, Chewing, and Dental Care
Puppy teeth development doesn't have to be scary - get all the information you need to care for your puppy's teeth and keep their oral health in top shape.
From teeth coming in to teething and adult teeth, we've got you covered. Keep your puppy's pearly whites healthy and strong with our tips and tricks.
Keeping Your Puppy Busy: The Benefits of Bully Sticks
Keep your puppy entertained and healthy with bully sticks, a long-lasting chew that helps with oral hygiene and mental stimulation.
Protect your dog from choking hazards with the Bow Wow Buddy, a safety device that securely grips bully sticks to prevent swallowing.
Find the perfect size for your breed, with promo code GOLDEN for 10% off.
Socializing Your Puppy: A Golden Opportunity for Lifelong Success
Socializing your puppy between 3-16 weeks is a GOLDEN opportunity.
This blog will give you an inside scoop on our socialization process with Emma, a golden retriever puppy.
First Month with a New Puppy: Our Top Recommendations, Training Tips, and Favorite Products
Find out how to effectively train your puppy, keep them entertained and healthy, and ensure they have a solid foundation for a long and happy life. Plus, get exclusive discounts on recommended products like the Bow Wow Buddy, Spot & Tango dog food, and Julius K9 harnesses with the promo GOLDEN.
Puppy Training Week 5: Mastering Leave It, Come, Wait, Stay and More
Congratulations on making it to week 5 of puppy training! You've established a solid foundation and are on your way to training a well-behaved pup. Although dog training is a lifelong journey, this is the last blog of our Puppy Training series. Stay tuned for new content soon!