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Using Food in Dog Training Without Packing on the Pounds
Discover how to incorporate treats into your dog's training without overfeeding. Learn why we use Spot & Tango UnKibble, the only fresh meal you can hand feed in training that is mess-free!
A List of Resources for Training Your Dog
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trainer, there are many options available to help you bond, train behavior, socialize, and keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated. In this blog post, we will be sharing the benefits of dog training, as well as the top four resources for training your dog: in-person dog training classes, on-demand courses, books, and Ellie Golden Life.
Caring for Your Dog in Heat: Frequently Asked Questions
This blog post is a guide for dog owners on how to properly care for their furry friend during their heat cycle. It covers the stages of the cycle, signs of heat, and frequently asked questions such as what it means for a dog to be in heat, when a dog goes into heat, and how often it happens. It also includes helpful tips and insights from a real-life dog owner's experiences to equip readers with the knowledge to navigate their dog's heat cycle with confidence.
A Bright Smile for Your Best Friend: Tips for Maintaining Your Dog's Oral Health
Did you know that maintaining your dog's dental health is just as important as maintaining their overall health?
In this blog, we'll discuss the benefits of dog tooth brushing, how to do it safely and effectively, recommended products and alternatives in between teeth brushing sessions.
Therapy Dog vs Service Dog
Learn the differences between therapy dogs and service dogs, including their roles, training, and rights.
Get tips on certifying your own pet as a therapy dog and discover the benefits of animal-assisted interventions.
Keeping Your Puppy Busy: The Benefits of Bully Sticks
Keep your puppy entertained and healthy with bully sticks, a long-lasting chew that helps with oral hygiene and mental stimulation.
Protect your dog from choking hazards with the Bow Wow Buddy, a safety device that securely grips bully sticks to prevent swallowing.
Find the perfect size for your breed, with promo code GOLDEN for 10% off.
Socializing Your Puppy: A Golden Opportunity for Lifelong Success
Socializing your puppy between 3-16 weeks is a GOLDEN opportunity.
This blog will give you an inside scoop on our socialization process with Emma, a golden retriever puppy.
Puppy Training Week 4: Adding Complexity and New Skills
In week 4 of puppy training, we focused on increasing the complexity of past skills and adding a few new skills to the mix.
Unleashing the Truth: Do Dogs Actually Smile?
Who wouldn't want to see their beloved pup's face light up with a big doggy grin? It turns out, there are simple ways to encourage your dog to smile and show joy. Whether it's through play, affection, or positive reinforcement, these techniques will have your dog wagging their tail and smiling in no time.
Step-by-Step Guide to Giving Your Dog a Stress-Free Bath
How did I train our golden retriever to like baths? Read my tops tips for making bath time bearable.