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Our Journey to Find the Best Dog Food for Golden Retrievers
This blog will share our journey of choosing the best food for our golden retrievers and why we have used the same food for nearly three years with no intentions of switching.
A List of Resources for Training Your Dog
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trainer, there are many options available to help you bond, train behavior, socialize, and keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated. In this blog post, we will be sharing the benefits of dog training, as well as the top four resources for training your dog: in-person dog training classes, on-demand courses, books, and Ellie Golden Life.
Caring for Your Dog in Heat: Frequently Asked Questions
This blog post is a guide for dog owners on how to properly care for their furry friend during their heat cycle. It covers the stages of the cycle, signs of heat, and frequently asked questions such as what it means for a dog to be in heat, when a dog goes into heat, and how often it happens. It also includes helpful tips and insights from a real-life dog owner's experiences to equip readers with the knowledge to navigate their dog's heat cycle with confidence.
Puppy Training Week 5: Mastering Leave It, Come, Wait, Stay and More
Congratulations on making it to week 5 of puppy training! You've established a solid foundation and are on your way to training a well-behaved pup. Although dog training is a lifelong journey, this is the last blog of our Puppy Training series. Stay tuned for new content soon!