Learn Positive Reinforcement Techniques for Training Your Dog

One of the most common questions I get asked is how I trained Ellie.

Kevin Bubolz and Ellie doing positive reinforcement training.

To be transparent, I’m not a professional dog trainer, and Ellie is the first dog I’ve ever trained. So, to tell you I have all the answers would be misleading. However, I can share the techniques and resources that I used as a first-time dog owner to assist Ellie in her quest to become a therapy dog.

There is more than one way to train your dog, but I’m personally a proponent of positive reinforcement training.


What is positive reinforcement?

Did you ever get an allowance as a child for doing chores or perhaps a bonus from your boss for working hard? That’s positive reinforcement.


Something is added to ensure the desired behavior continues or increases in frequency.


But dogs don’t care about money. They care about food, toys, and praise. Positive reinforcement training uses these rewards to shape and change your dog’s behavior.


What are some guidelines?


This is the most important thing to remember. Everyone, including strangers, need to follow the same rules; otherwise, your dog may get confused.

My wife and I posted a list of cues on the refrigerator and would give each other constructive criticism when we strayed from our standards.


I’m not going to lie getting random people to use your cues in public is challenging but not impossible. For example, when asked to pet Ellie, my response is always if she sits first. I often get an answer that it’s OK if she jumps, but remember, it is your dog and your rules.


Be Brief

Dogs struggle to understand complex commands. You can be creative, but come up with a list of your simple commands and associated hand signals. Trust me, the hand signals will pay dividends in the long term.


Here are some examples:

Command             Hand Signal

Sit                    closed fist

Down               point down

Stay                 open palm fingers up

Wait                one finger up

Heel                 arm to side

Back                fingers down waving

Wave               arm extended, open palm

High-Five        open palm

Leave it            (no cue)

Freedom         (no cue)

Kevin Bubolz and Ellie positive reinforcement training. Balancing a treat.


It’s best if the reward occurs immediately. We use a clicker and/or the word “yes” to mark the desired behavior and then follow up as soon as possible with a reward such as treats. It helps to have treats and a clicker readily available when doing training sessions.


We also “throw a party” by going over the top with praise and giving tons of small treats when Ellie does exactly the behavior we’re training for the first time.


What kinds of food rewards should I use with my dog?

The short answer: it depends.


All dogs have different preferences, so it’s best you test out various types of food and then classify them based on the level of excitement.


For Ellie, we use the following categories:

  • Gold (better than chasing squirrels): small pieces of chicken, cubed string cheese, etc

  • Silver (as fun as playing fetch): freeze-dried liver, Ellie’s food, etc

  • Bronze (similar to going for a walk): green beans, carrots, etc


Make sure you maintain a balanced diet when feeding your dog treats. I overdid it when Ellie was a puppy, but that is a story for another day.


Also, make sure the food you feed your dog is safe to eat. For example, the ingredients xylitol and birch sugar, which are found in some peanut butter brands, are toxic for dogs.



We recognized the need for convenient and effective dog training solutions, which is why we created The Hapco.

The Hapco Puppy Program includes:

  1. Before Getting Your Puppy. The most important things to do in order to prepare for this new addition to your family.

  2. After Getting Your Puppy. A four-week program to build a solid training foundation.

  3. Resources. Additional guides about our most asked topics, such as potty training, crate training, and puppy biting.


Consistency is key!


Looking for more training supplies?

About the Author

Kevin Bubolz is the founder of Golden Retriever Life, an online community with a mission to spread smiles. You can check out his TikTok,  Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest to see first-hand the special bond he shares with Ellie and Emma.


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