The Benefits of Long-Lasting Chews for Dogs: Collagen Sticks and Bully Sticks

Long-lasting chews

Dogs have a natural chewing instinct, so it’s important to satisfy this urge with something safe and healthy.

Long-lasting chews are a great option.

This can prevent boredom and unwanted chewing on objects such as your furniture.

This blog will share my golden retrievers’ favorite long-lasting chews and the life-saving device we use with them.


Collagen Sticks and Bully Sticks

There are many long-lasting chews on the market, but not all are created equal.

I prefer collagen sticks and bully sticks due to their long list of benefits.


What are the Benefits of Collagen Sticks for Dogs? 

🔸 Provides mental stimulation

🔸 Supports joint and skin health

🔸 Acts as an antioxidant

🔸 Healthy treat option, high in protein and low in fat

🔸 Using proactively can prevent arthritis and can relieve some symptoms of osteoarthritis

🔸 Aids gut health by breaking down other proteins, soothes the lining of the gut, and helps strengthen the connective tissue in the gut

🔸 Improves oral hygeine/health


What are the Benefits of Bully Sticks for Dogs?

Bow Wow Labs bully sticks have a lot of similar benefits to collagen sticks.

🔸 Improves oral hygeine/health

🔸 Promotes strong jaw muscles

🔸 Provides mental stimulation

🔸 Stimulates a release of endorphins

🔸 Breaks down easily in the stomach

🔸 Great alternative to rawhide or manufactured chews

Ellie with bully stick and Bow Wow Buddy

Pro Tip: I mix it up between collagen sticks and bully sticks to keep these treats “exciting” for my dogs. Dogs benefit from a variety of chews as their nutritional inclusions are slightly different.

I use 6” and 12” collagen sticks and bully sticks from Bow Wow Labs.


What is the DIFFERENCE Between Collagen and Bully Sticks?

  • Collagen sticks are lower in calories

  • Bully sticks are lower in odor

  • Sourced from different parts of the animal

Otherwise, they generally support similar physical and mental health benefits for your dog.


Can Puppies Chew Bully Sticks?


A puppy’s desire to chew is 100% instinctual. Therefore, long-lasting chews should be encouraged as your puppy learns how to navigate the boundaries of what is appropriate to chew and what is not.

Appropriate chewing…

  • Helps relieve the pain and discomfort of teething

  • Support a healthy mental state by releasing important neurotransmitters

  • Provides mental stimulation (which is especially important with puppy energy)

  • Strengthens jaw muscles

Bully sticks and collagen sticks are great options for puppies because they soften during chewing when mixed with saliva and allow your puppy’s “shark” teeth to sink into the bone.

This blog further explains the benefits of bully sticks to keep your puppy busy.


 Long-Lasting Chews Aid Oral Health

Did you know approximately 80% of dogs under the age of 3 have some reported stage of periodontal disease?

Long-lasting chews are an excellent way to help prevent this disease.

The act of chewing against a firmer surface also allows for a scraping effect against the teeth, which helps to remove the biofilm that can lead to plaque and then tartar.


Hopefully, by now, you can see long-lasting chews are a fantastic choice for your dog!

However, all these benefits come with serious risks. ⚠️

The last inch can be a choking hazard if swallowed.

I would recommend you always monitor your dog with long-lasting chews, and I HIGHLY recommend every dog parent gets the Bow Wow Buddy.


Bow Wow Buddy

A Bow Wow Buddy is a safety device that tightly grips collagen and bully sticks, preventing dogs from swallowing the last little bit.

This allows your pup to enjoy the benefits of long-lasting chews while reducing the risks of choking.

After learning about the possible harm of the end of long-lasting chews, I’ve made it a priority to warn and help other pet parents. So do yourself a favor and invest in your dog’s health today.

Use promo: GOLDEN for 10% off!

Check out this blog to learn more about the life-protecting Bow Wow Buddy.


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About the Author

Kevin Bubolz is the founder of Golden Retriever Life, an online community with a mission to spread smiles. You can check out his TikTok,  Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest to see first-hand the special bond he shares with Ellie and Emma.


Understanding Your Puppy's Teeth: A Guide to Teething, Chewing, and Dental Care


Keeping Your Puppy Busy: The Benefits of Bully Sticks